On January 29th, 2015, Councilman Mitch O’Farrell delivered the annual “State of Hollywood” address to an audience of Los Angeles residents, business owners, and political figures at Taglyan Complex. The speech, which focused on Hollywood’s economic growth and highlighted Councilman O’Farrell’s goals for the coming year, was well-received by the standing room-only crowd.
“My team and I have been very proactive in Hollywood, constructing a narrative for a new Hollywood story, one that is intertwined with the efforts of everyone in this room,” Councilman O’Farrell said, looking polished in a dark suit and thick-rimmed glasses. “Hollywood is both mythical and real. It has served as a proxy for all that is possible, and a proxy for all that is wrong. But just like any other place, Hollywood is what you make of it.”

Though relatively new to the Council – Councilman O’Farrell has only held the position since July, 2013 – constituents and residents praise his commitment to increasing the quality of life for citizens in L.A.’s most diverse district; since his tenure began, he has worked to increase affordable housing options, reformed economic policy to help small businesses thrive, expanded tax breaks for filmmakers and production studios, considered increasing the minimum wage to $13.25 per hour (the current minimum wage is $9.00 per hour), and presided over a massive fall in crime rates throughout the 13th District.
“I want to see every corner of Hollywood prosper and evolve to safe, vibrant corridors,” said Councilman O’Farrell.
Among the goals outlined in the speech, O’Farrell stated the need for a city-wide database of potential film location properties, recommitted his efforts to pursuing new park projects across the city, and emphasized the importance for Hollywood to preserve its historic building and properties while still encouraging new businesses and innovation.
For those interested in attending next year’s State of Hollywood event, which includes a networking mixer and a luncheon, Chamber President and CEO Leron Gubler urged people not to delay. “Every year, we encourage people to be sure and make their reservations early. We have sold out for this event in the past. We expect a lot of interest [again next year].”