Taglyan was proud to host Dress for Success Worldwide’s 5th Annual Empower Breakfast on June 29th. It was our third consecutive year hosting this outstanding event, and attendees left feeling inspired…and yes, empowered!

Dress for Success Worldwide is a not-for-profit organization that helps women achieve economic independence by providing a supportive network, professional attire, and the development tools they need to help women thrive in work and in life. Since 1997, Dress for Success has empowered more than 850,000 women work towards self-sufficiency. Many of these women had to overcome difficult obstacles in order to get where they are now.
The Empower Breakfast is a yearly fundraiser for Dress for Success that attracts approximately 200 local influencers in business, fashion, and entertainment.

This year’s Empower Breakfast included success stories, panelists and speakers, a silent auction, and incredible gift bags. The honored panelists included Pam Lifford, President at Warner Bros. Consumer Products; Dr. Yasmin Davidds, Founder & CEO at the Latina Global Executive Leadership Institute; Erika Reyna, reporter at K-LOVE 107.5 FM; Monica Dodi, Co-Founder at the Women’s Venture Captial Fund, and Tracy Gray, Founder at We Are Enough.

This amazing organization is truly a worthy, effective, and tangible group to get involved with. We are honored each time we host the Dress for Success Worldwide Empower Breakfast at Taglyan.
If you’re interested in hosting your own fundraiser or any other type of event at our stunning Los Angeles venue, please contact us. We have the most outstanding banquet hall in the city, and we bring the best service to everything we do. We will be happy to speak with you about whatever you need!